As cliche as it may sound, I do what I do for the love of life, of adventure, of beauty, and above all, for the love of LOVE. I love LOVE! LOVE is the driving force behind everything that I do.

When I was just entering adulthood, I left behind the only life I had ever known to move over 3,000 miles away to a part of the country that was the complete opposite of where I was born and raised. I went from living in warm, sunny weather year-round in Hawaii to snowy Colorado. But, I had always dreamed of having Christmas in snow (Christmas is my absolute favorite holiday – I’m borderline obsessed). And that move turned out to be the single best decision I ever made.
There are over 7 billion people in this world, so I knew that it was probably an unlikely scenario that I’d find the love of my life within the confines of the small island I lived on. However, I certainly never imagined that I would meet him in Colorado either, but that’s what happened. Things moved pretty fast, but when you know, you know! We eloped, and sadly, the few photos we took on my flip phone are long gone, but the experience planted a seed within me that would blossom into a beautiful calling.
Fast forward to 2010, I finally started taking my photography seriously and started my business. Not that long later, someone I knew was getting married and asked me to photograph her wedding. I got “cold feet” and refused, but she insisted, so I obliged. After that very first wedding, something inside of me ignited and I knew that it was the start of something special. Every single wedding that I’ve had the honor of photographing since then has only fueled that flame.
Looking back on that day nearly 20 years ago when I got married…I was young and filled with a spontaneity that carried me through life. The moment I laid eyes on the love of my life, an undeniable bond was formed that perseveres to this day. Regrettably, there is only one thing that saddens me – not having tangible memories to show to our kids. That’s why I pour myself into my work, so that you never have to feel that same ache. Photography is not only a profession for me. It’s what I love to do, it’s what I was meant to do, and it’s why I’m here. So let me tell your story, because your love is worth telling.

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